Friday, July 1, 2011

July 2011

Happy Fourth of July weekend, everybody! I'll be throwing burgers and brats on the grill to celebrate Independence Day. What's on your menu?


  1. Happy Independence Day everyone! Sybil will be cooking pigs feet and hog jowels in her new self-cleaning range.

  2. She'll probably be inserting firecrackers in her stinky, dried up coo. Bum can't wait to see her jump after he lights them.

  3. Devout Diseased Homo in FriscoJuly 2, 2011 at 8:52 AM

    Oh I can't wait to get my asshole fingered by strangers behind the porta pottys at the fireworks show this 4th of July weekend. Before I go I grease my butt up, take along my poppers and medical marijuana and get myself all fucked up to prepare to drink pee. My leather chaps are all polished with chicken grease and I've got a used pair of false eyelashes ready to put on so I can pretend to be a woman who just happens to have a dick. I will moan and whimper like a submissive woman as I am sodomized and seeded in a shocking public spectacle on the streets of San Francisco. Oh don't worry, I won't scratch my Kaposi's Sarcoma lesions bloody until I get there. Thanks

  4. Devout Diseased Homo in FriscoJuly 2, 2011 at 9:06 AM

    I hope I'll find a middle-aged fat hairy slob to call "Daddy" there to play with and infect without disclosing my health status. I've also got a smart leather jock strap, but I'm so skinny and emancipated it falls off my skeletal remains. My friends and I will giggle and whisper insulting remarks about other ugly old men walking around naked there so we can think we're hot and above them. We will dangle our hip keys and wear color-coded hankies that display our eagerness for urine baths and paddling. I hope to get in on being horse whipped as a crowd of lewd spectators surround me cheering the beating on. Oh I can't wait. I've got to go and pick up a bag of medical marijuana before the shop closes. I'm one of their favorite customers! Woopdeedoo!

  5. Sybil loves to tell all her disgusting fantasies to total strangers.

  6. It took three black guys to roll Sybil over as she begged them to penetrate her. "Put your big black dicks in my pooper!" she screamed writhing in disgusting sexual frenzy as the black men passed the crack pipe around the circle jerk. "Hit me with some of that!" she begged as her arse was being hammered brutally. The trailer's room was smoky with crack as the door opened and closed with a revolving traffic of bloods with stockings over their heads. "Seed me! Seed me!" Sybil cried in wild, wanton desire. All of a sudden the trailer's door bust open and LadyMissChumley burst in. "You niggas step aside! My strap-on will take care of that fat bitch!" She screamed. With that LadyMiss yanked down her men's basketball shorts revealing a huge strap-on attached to her immense girth. Sybil screamed in horror. "Get that fat dyke away from me!" she shouted to her ghetto lovers as she struggled to sit up. Sybil grabbed a can of pepper spray and shook it at her. LadyMiss knew she was in peril and ran to the door screaming for the cops. But the ghetto men blocked her. "Oh God, please don't penetrate me, fellas!" LadyMiss cried. I hate men and their dicks ever since I was molested. I munch snatch!" One of the ghetto men rubbed his dick and snapped at the door of an adjoining room. In stepped a 500 pound black woman with a shit-eating grin on her face. "You much on dis, white bitch!" She said to LadyMiss, pointing at her disgusting vagina that was near covered by her hanging stomach fat. When the foul stench of the 500 pound's woman's genitalia met LadyMiss' nostrils a tingle of fear rand down her skunk back. It was a massive yeast infection. The ghetto men pushed LadyMiss to her knees and the rotund fat woman pushed up the fat hanging over her pussy and said, "karma's a bitch, bitch!" Sybil crowed in the background as LadyMiss got her comeuppance to the sound of the 4th of July fireworks exploding in the sky outside the seedy trailer park.

  7. Sybil loves to talk filth. She wouldn't act like that with her BFF, she wouldn't get any more birthday presents. She'll be sucking up soon,to see what she can get.

  8. Sybil The StalkedJuly 2, 2011 at 7:31 PM

    Typical of a true sociopath stalker you even know when Sybil's birthday is. See how fucking sick you are, bitch? And what are you doing sitting at home alone on this holiday weekend? Isn't being an anti-social sociopath a bitch? And you're missing Sybil's home video on Facebook of today's 10th annual chicken wing cook-off where our hero is filmed scoffing down chicken wings. Too bad you are such a weirdo freak, you're prevented from witnessing the proceedings. Watching Sybil eat will send you and your psychopath crones into relentless orgasms. Awwww, too bad you're blocked out isn't it you dirty rat.

  9. There you are in your trailer wringing your hands with anxiety wondering why you are such a loser and all alone. It's your shit attitude and your penchant for tormenting others is the reason you're in the predicament you're in. Get that prescription for Avillify right away.

  10. Like we're interested in seeing Sybil stuff her face?
    You told everybody on the internet when your birthday is, so don't be talking smack about stalking.
    Are you drunk or just stupid? Maybe it's both?
    It's Abilify, and it's for people like you.
    'Aripiprazole is used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia (a mental illness that causes disturbed or unusual thinking, loss of interest in life, and strong or inappropriate emotions.'

  11. The Bum is acting up extra bad lately and Sybil has to take it out on total strangers on the internet like always.

  12. Thank you for the perfect bowel movement, lentil soup!

  13. you'd know all about abilify, you fucken bi-polar hysterical crazy cunt. for stalkers like you it's spelled aVILLAINfy! you need an autism / mental retardation test, cuz you obviously have cognitive issues. no wonder your doctor put your insane cunt ass on lithium to calm our ass down. too bad you had to spread your legs and produce insane offspring who will likely grow up to be serial killers. get yourself fixed

  14. One more thing: LadyMissChumley is an ugly old middle-aged gay dude with a drug and alcohol problem who lives in a rundown trailer in a crack infested trailer park on the wrong side of town who's been pulling your insane chain for quite a long time. Get smart Miss Bi-Polar and quit beating your kids.

  15. Here's why people with AIDS should NOT be in the workplace! AIDS DEMENTIA! Scary, scary, scary. They are a menace.

  16. Sybil finally admits to why she thinks she has to lead a life of fraud and grift instead of earning a honest living. Her dementia is phony though because she sure has brain power enough to work a scam.

  17. Crazy Pussy in MichiganJuly 3, 2011 at 3:39 PM

    What scam? Describe Sybilla's scam.

  18. charter and goDaddy finally punished macdonald for TOS violations. no more website for him so he's got to come here to stalk and harass people

  19. we all know LMC got the boot from several hate blogs on here and on Twitter and Facebook and recently chatroll... you're harassing him every time you visit this stalker blog you stupid ass retarded bitch. just shut the fuck up you homely cunt and get off Sybil's star you fucktard old skanktoe

  20. sybil makes up the silliest things

  21. Sybil's star burned out a long time ago.

  22. Sybil's a skanktoe?

  23. no blog or anything else was taken down by anyone but the person who created it dumbass macdonald

  24. You really are delusional. you refuse to give up the abuse because you enjoy hurting others. You revel in being negative, being cruel, spreading lies and ugly allegations. You are an evil, ugly old crone. You can't live your life without having someone to whip on, can you? You really are a very sick and pitiful excuse for a human being. Sociopaths have no shame, have no compassion, have no guilt. They go through life hurting, alienating themselves from normal people. You have displayed the ugliest of character. You're scum, total and complete scum. Far worse than any ghetto hood or crack dealer. You're an ugly, hateful person. And so Sybil bids you good-bye. The umbilical cord is cut. You cannot find your Sybil in the vast sea of the Internet. Your term of stalking is severed. Oh you will write insults and baiting for weeks to come, but your victim will not respond. Yes, LadyMiss and others will post fake Sybil comments that only they know are phony. The real Sybil has flown the coop! What will become of you? I can tell you -- you'll continue to live an ugly, lonely, miserable existence on Earth. Because you see, people like you get stuck in the trap of their own ugly little world. Everyone else is wrong, you are right. You'll just grow older and uglier. Look at your face in the mirror. An ugly personality creates an ugly face. And it's no one's fault but your own. So Sybil now disappears into obscurity and you'll never have contact with "her" again. Farewell ugly old varicose-veined harpies. Sybil will no longer entertain your tortured souls.... Pfffffft!

  25. Oy. Was Sybil drunk off her delusional ass when she wrote that or what? Of course she'll be back. She can't stay away. In fact, she's probably been checking every 15 minutes for a response. Because this website offers her more "human interaction" than her bum does. He's probably spent all holiday weekend hollering out his requests for more beer and food, while Sybil dutifully obeys.

  26. Sybil obeys, but screaming like a shrew the whole time.

  27. Sociopaths like Sybil can't or won't stay away. She wouldn't have an audience, somebody to rant to. It's probably why bum stays in his room with the door locked. He doesn't want to hear Sybils BS and she can't come in there and steal what little he has.

  28. What little Bum has came from Sybil. He's her pet, after all.

  29. Sybil wanted the bum to pop her cherry, but she's so dumb she used a cherry bomb by mistake. When it popped it wasn't pretty.

  30. I agree 7/4 9:44
    Sybil loves to read about herself.
    She does check this blog all the time. Don't think she's not checking now.

  31. Sybil is probably nursing her cherry bomb wound.

  32. Sybil imagines herself ten feet tall and bulletproof.

  33. Sybil's idol is Shaft, the bad mother.

  34. She seems more like she's imitating Gladys Kravitz, that nosy neighbor from Bewitched.

  35. What's the penalty for violating a hosting and ISP's TOS?
    I know Sybil would get kicked off the internet, and I'm sure there is a fine.
    Is there anything else she would get slammed with?

  36. Gladys Kravitz did not have a gutter mouth and issue violent threats to people.

  37. Sybil could easily be charged with several counts of fraud.

  38. ooh 9:41 that means jail time, and we know how Sybil fears jail.

  39. Sybil hasn't fully recovered from the cherry bomb fiasco, but she'll resume her stalking momentarily. Stay tuned.

  40. Sybil has a unending case of Internet Butthurt.

  41. Access log files show continual stalking visits to canceled websites by you and a psychopath in Michigan. These logs and their IP information are being saved to be used in the defamation lawsuit against you.

  42. AHAHAHHAHAHAAAA! We knew Sybil couldn't stay away from here. Oh yes, do keep printing out all those perceived "stalker visits", Sybil. And printouts of every page in here and various other websites. How much $$$ in ink are you pissing away on this stalking of yours?

  43. Sybil didn't cancel anything. She's just waiting like a typical terrorist for the right time to strike.

  44. AHA! I knew Sybil couldn't stay away. She's been lurking all along, and just HAD to say something!
    Hiya Sybs!

  45. The more money Sybil spends on ink and paper is less money for her and the bum to drink up.
    Keep drinking Sybs!

  46. Sybil didn't post for 11 days, and you know that had to be killing her!

  47. Ignorant Sybil can't even spell the word cancelled.

  48. And she brags about her IQ. Pfft. And she brags about all the evidence she's collecting in her imaginary lawsuit. Which makes me wonder if Laub&Laub&Laub&Laub have an even bigger file on HER, aka "that psycho is dangerous and should be under a restraining order."

  49. Help! She's feeding me rabbit food with hot sauce on it!

  50. Canceled is spelled with one l, not two, you fucking illiterate moron.

    No wonder you're unemployed, friendless and a shut-in. You're a fucking loser social misfit who never made it past the 8th grade. Do something with your time like getting an education. And have yourself fixed while you're at it. The world could do without more morons like you. I bet you have a big, mongoloid skull with a sloping forehead with eyes too close together.

  51. Sybil, seeking a new group of people to despise and target with her anger has announced that she hates people with downs syndrome.

  52. Cyberharassment. Cyberharassment differs from cyberstalking in that it is generally defined as not involving a credible threat. Cyberharassment usually pertains to threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, or to blog entries or websites dedicated solely to tormenting an individual. Some states approach cyberharrassment by including language addressing electronic communications in general harassment statutes, while others have created stand-alone cyberharassment statutes.

  53. Sybil'd better watch out because, according to her own testimony, her cyberharassment of LadyMissChumley is gonna get her in big trouble.

  54. Sybil is baack!
    Good grief.
    She's not going to sue anybody, because she has no case. GET IT SYBS?
    NO LAWSUIT! Waste your ink and paper, it's not coming out of any of our pockets. Tough titty said the kitty when the milk went dry.
    No get rich quick schemes, no nothing.
    Laub&Laub doesn't want to see your ugly mug any more.
    You're the laughing stock of the internet.
    Get it? Got it? Good!

  55. Miss Know It All,
    Cancelled it spelled with two 'L's.

  56. How do you know there is no lawsuit, Ms. Psychopath??? If I were you, I'd get a life and mind my own business. You crazy old harpies sure must be homely and live pathetic lives to spend so much time fixating and obsessing on people you target on the Internet that you don't know personally. Normal people go out and socialize and do things with their time. They don't roost on the Internet posting baiting comments for old, fat fags with AIDS. You need to focus that negative energy on yourselves as you have serious mental problems that need tending to. And that includes your DRUG AND ABUSE ISSUES! In truth you lead very sad, anti-social lives with no friends other than creepy shut-in characters like yourselves you hook up with online. It's pert clear you've got psych issues and need to be locked up in a rubber room before you harm someone.


  57. Sybil is rinsing and repeating again. She needs to swallow her cud and keep it down.

  58. Why don't you shut your fucking BIG MOUTH you warped mother fucker? Pathetic life roosting online writing baiting comments to keep contact with your stalking victim. You don't realize it but you ARE being monitored and when it catches up with you you'll be incarcerated for 5-10 years with all this evidence. So just keep on antagonizing because the only one it hurts is you! You and that crazy cunt in Michigan and that ugly old crone in Washington are three wailing harpies. Fuck, all three of you are ugly as sin. Your cunts haven't seen dick in them since you were raped. And that hideous diseased faggot friend of yours in Frisco better do some research on AIDS dementia. All of you freaks share ONE THING in common: you're sociopaths. You enjoy criticizing others and get off on the pain you THINK you cause. Fact is NOBODY gives a fuck about you, your opinion, or your LIES and false allegations. Stop writing to Sybil and stop trying to make contact with her through this hate blog. That's all this is here for. As soon as Miss Sybil writes something against you, you're like flies on shit. How fucking mental is that?


  59. You need to get out of the house and offline and try to socialize the way normal people do. Stop venting your psycho anger on others. It's your fault your mind is warped. You need to get help with your psychological problems because ultimately it's going to backfire on you.

    GET -- A -- LIFE.

  60. Don't ya just love it when Sybil tells people what to do, but won't follow her own advice?
    Go outside, blah blah blah, get a job, more blah blah blah, you need help with your psychological problems, and more blah blah blah.
    Pot meet kettle.

  61. Sybil stands in front of a mirror every day and yells those accusations at herself. Then, she goes online and projects them on to others because the truth was too hard to take.

  62. GET -- A -- LIFE!

    GET -- A -- LIFE!

    GET -- A -- LIFE!

    GET -- A -- LIFE!

    GET -- A -- LIFE!

    GET -- A -- LIFE!

  63. Rinse and repeat, more blah blah blah.

  64. Sybil is still chewing her cud I see.

  65. drama queens with no lives

    blah, blah, blah

    your hair is a mess, you don't know how to apply make-up, you're flabby, your teeth are ugly, your personality stinks, others can't stand your cynicism, you complain, you're unpleasant to be around, you bully and make fun of other people, you think you're above everyone, you have nothing to talk about, you have no hobbies, you're not creative, you can't cook, you're cheap, you're car is crappy, you have little to no friends, you feel awkward in social situations, you love to put others down, you think you're smart but you're not, your conversation is dull...

    do I need to go on, sows?

  66. Sybil really knows herself well doesn't she?

  67. Sybil says all that to herself in front of the mirror every morning.

  68. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...July 17, 2011 at 12:42 PM

    Sybil is indeed the queen of projection isn't she? All those weird insults she throws around are actually aimed at herself, but by claiming those are OTHERS faults, she somehow feels relieved. That right there is an obvious pathological issue, but Sybil keeps pretending it's other people who have her faults.

  69. Oh cut the crap LadyMiss. Everyone knows you're a fucking nutter who's been posting all these fake message. You're delusional and in denial. Get therapy. Purge your warped mind of all your vicious hate and vindictive thoughts. It really doesn't serve any purpose. All my fan mail says you are a crazy psychopath, obsessed and fixated. Just cut the crap and stop making excuses for your bad conduct. You need mental help, dearie. This blog and its predecessors prove you're a fucking whack.

    Tickle your pussy with feathers or something.

  70. How are things on Tarryhollow Drive, my bitch?

  71. Fan Mail? Sybil gets fan mail?
    That's hilarious.
    The only fan mail Sybil gets is what she writes to herself.

  72. Does bum tickle Sybils arse with feathers?

  73. Bum tickles it with cherry bombs, remember?

  74. silverslipperz said...

    "The only fan mail Sybil gets is what she writes to herself."

    Ummm... like all you phony anonymous comments?

  75. Hi Sybil,
    Ummm... like all you phony anonymous comments?

  76. If they're phony why do you keep responding "Hi Sybil" you fucking mentally retarded dimwit?

    Have you used the feathers on your pussy yet? It's called the tickling fetish. You'll squirt about a foot, so have plenty of bleach handiwipes around.

    And no, don't use the feather duster.

  77. Sybil, you'd look funny with a feather duster sticking out of your ass.
    But you look funny anyhow, and act even funnier.
    How did you like those cherry bombs bum used on you?

  78. All the websites devoted to controlling the Sybil menace are so hilarious!

  79. Cut the cherry bomb bullshit, it's not funny. You don't have a sense of humor at all. It's just stupid and tiresome, so don't even try to be "funny."

    Of course "Sybil's" websites are hilarious, that is what they are intended to be, you fucking clueless moron. What the fuck? Don't you get it? When you go to a site called "Weird Links" you obviously are going to get something "weird," get it? DUH!

    But this site, such as it is, should be called "This is just a BASH room" because that's all you're capable of. As stated, you have no sense of humor and you lack creativity. This is the scourge of being a sociopath.

    Thing is you need to get psychological help with your abuse issues, all of you homely bitches who are scared to reveal your faces, except for a fat old tart in Washington, who need serious work done to her scraggly hair, her eyebrows plucked and an account with Jenny Craig -- along with the psych couch. Old ladies over 50 with issues just get uglier and uglier, while the vipers under 50 just grow more psychotic with each year. It's farm pesticides to blame, leaching into the underground water tables. Along with that we have minds warped by sexually-transmitted diseases, i.e., AIDS dementia, that is no one's fault but the trash that went out and got it because they just have to have a man's dick in their fucking ass to validate their homosexuality, even if that dick is full of diseased cum. It's pathetic how homos make excuses for their bad actions and then go around blaming and flaming other gays who put them in their place.

    As for Lesbians, ALL the ones I've ever met have been awfully vengeful, nasty personalities, foul-mouthed, bullies and just plain OFFENSIVE in every sense of the word from their personality to grooming habits (or lack thereof).

    Sybil does not like bullies or creepy phony people with warped minds passing judgment. Sybil supports the forced sterilization of psychologically evil sociopath parents to stop infecting the gene pool with fucktards like you and your bellowing harpies on here. You are problem people who just make life difficult for others with your delusions of grandeur.

    Take your trashy trailer and your three-bedroom house and you think you're "IT." But you're losers no matter where you are. You'll forever be socially inept morons bearing no interest to anyone. That is why you are bitter, afraid of being unmasked, social paranoids and misfits.

    GET A LIFE, before it's too late. You're killing yourselves with your venom, under the false impression that anyone gives a shit. They don't, except you, as your sociopathic narcissism shows here.

    Truth is you're a non-entity. A shadow person in the sea of life. A nobody wannabe. Think about this. Think about how your ugly traits of viciousness, your sarcastic and offensive big mouth, your uguly behavior... those are not qualities others endear to. You're just existing in your self-prescribed world of mania in your sick universe you've created, clouded by your drug and alcohol and abuse issues.

    It's all rather sick and creepy.

    No one will remember you after grow old and die. Your life was for nothing. You've made no carbon footprint, none of you. You have not spread joy and laughing or entertainment to others. Instead you are hated, despised, though of as mentally ill.

    That is your legacy. Wallow in it. Wallow in your madness you homely overweight old harpies. WALLOW IN IT!!!


  80. Sybil's talking to herself in the mirror again, projecting what she's saying to herself on us.

  81. Sybil either can't read or understand.
    Anon 8:07 said "All the websites devoted to controlling the Sybil menace are so hilarious!"
    Sybil doesn't get it.
    The sites devoted to controlling Sybil are what's hilarious, not her website.
    What's so funny about going to her site, clicking on a link and getting spambots viruses, or rootkits?
    What a dumbazz!

  82. Sybil's site is nothing but a link dump with porn thrown in, and that's supposed to be exciting?

  83. sybil made a huge mistake when she discontinued the "trashy life with bum" series. they were the only thing that made her site funny and entertaining.

  84. If you don't like Sybil, WHY do you keep going to her site? Seems to me that if someone dislikes another person whom they think is insane, they'd keep away. Yet you have been fixating on Sybil making up over 40 flame sites about him and you continue to encourage contact with him by these flame-baiting posts. You must have something seriously wrong with you to be obsessing on someone you don't like. Obviously you have far too much free time on your hands to obsess on people you target on the Internet to vent on, defame and write lies about 24/7. Like GET A LIFE and stay away from people you don't like and think are crazy. No one really cares about your opinion and making up these attack sites serve no purpose. Everyone thinks you have psychological issues. And its tough shit if you don't like Sybil. Who cares how YOU feel? You're the one making up these mean-spirited sites all the time. Why don't you just leave him alone and go on about your business?

    There's something wrong with you.

  85. OMG: There's a whole biography of LadyMiss on Digger's site at

  86. If Sybil doesn't want anybody going to her site, then why does she have it up?

    There's something wrong with you.
    Understatement of the year.

  87. Sybil posts links to her site wanting us to go there, then complains when we do?
    Hypocritical beotch.

  88. personally, i never look at sybil's site anymore because without the trashy daily diary stories it's worthless. i would like to know the names of those 40 sites devoted to her though anon @ 8:44. please post them here so the rest of us will be privy to them.

  89. Sybil doesn't want YOU going to her site Anon 1:27


  90. OMG: There's a whole biography of LadyMiss on Digger's site at


    Some batshit crazy stuff

  92. Projector 1, Reel 2July 19, 2011 at 4:33 PM

    “[Sybil’s mind is] warped by sexually-transmitted diseases, i.e., AIDS dementia, that is no one's fault but [Sybil’s because she’s] the trash that went out and got it because [Sybil] just had to have a man's dick in [her giant, flabby] f*cking ass to validate [her low self esteem], even if that dick is full of diseased cum. It's pathetic how [Sybil] makes excuses for [her] bad actions and then goes around blaming and flaming other gays [and straights] who put [Sybil] in [her] place.”
    Couldn’t have said it better myself!

  93. Anybody can go to Sybil's site Anon 2:43=Sybil.

  94. there are lot of fat old farts in washington. which congressperson is sybil talking about?

  95. sybil always been batshit crazy. Shes getting worse.

  96. Sybils has always been proud of being trash.

  97. Symptoms of AIDS dementia complex
    Symptoms of AIDS dementia complex includes
    •Poor concentration


    •Loss of short- or long-term memory

    •Social withdrawal

    •Slowed thinking

    •Short attention span



    •Ego centric attitude-lack of caring or concern for oneself or others


    •Poor coordination

    •Impaired judgment

    •Problems with vision

    •Personality change.

    Yep, that's Sybil.

  98. My, my, for people who don't want to talk to Sybil and hate her, you stalkers sure post a lot of garbage to bait her into responding to you.

    Clearly you need to GET A LIFE

    Digger is not insane, YOU ARE. Look at all this swill you're posting about someone sick and down with AIDS. Says volumes about the low-life type of character you are, LadyMiss Psychopath.

  99. We're not the ones with AIDS Sybil you are. You're the bug chaser.

  100. she tells so many big fat lies that nobody believes sybil is sick anyway

  101. Shut the fuck up, looney tunes. You need a job to keep your lazy fat ass busy and to keep your big fucking nose out of other people's business. Shit, your life must suck ass royal for all the time you spend writing your sick, slimy venom. You definitely have a psychological problem. Quit cyber-harassing! You know what? You need to be taught a lesson by being sued for your big fat mouth. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET A GODDAMN LIFE YOU CRAZY BITCH!

  102. Sybil's stalking and harassing again. She's initiating contact.

  103. Sybil's a Stalkery StalkerJuly 21, 2011 at 4:59 AM

    Exactly. Nobody's ever given her the URL to this site, yet here she is. Proof she's stalking US.

    And her "Get a life!" insults? That might mean something if it was coming from a person who actually HAD a life outside of feeding her bum greasy food and supplying him with alcohol and free cable tv.

  104. Again, her site is worthless without her daily diary full of trashy life with the bum stories.

  105. At Least We're Better'n SybilJuly 21, 2011 at 3:53 PM

    If Sybil had half a brain, she would have accepted the "trainwreck appeal" of her daily diary, realized that you don't have to be "loved" to be popular and let the hits keep coming.

    The most entertaining reality tv shows are the ones loaded with despicable people.

  106. Important message: Sybil's lies exposed again. has resumed its place on the web.

  107. We're in SK chattin' up a storm right now! But we'll still keep this vacation home because Sybil does love to visit.

  108. Yep,SK is back!
    Sybils attempt at a DMCA takedown didn't work.

  109. Yep, Sybil now has four blogs to barge into with her vile swill. She's such a moron.

  110. lesbian penis hate
